You are invited to journey with us as Adeline and Evie grow.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

October...full of pumpkin patching

We went to the pumpkin patch not once but twice this year. The girls couldn't get enough of it! We went the second time with grammy and granddaddy when they came to visit. The first time we went, Evie tantrumed when we were leaving, but once she realized a pumpkin was going home with her, she was ok. Chris, Christy, Catie and Ashley also came to visit in October. We had fun dressing up and going to the Pumpkin Fest in Franklin. Adeline was a ladybug again...she insisted and Evie was a flower (and did NOT want to take her hat off!) she was the cutest little flower ever!! They were just precious going trick or treating in our neighborhood too. Adeline was cute when we got home. She was impressed that she got 10 pieces of candy and wanted to know the names of everything...poor deprived child didn't know what a Reese's was! We also flew to Richmond this month to go to my high school reunion. It was fun to visit with Meme and Pawpaw for a while as well. Evie continues to follow Adeline everywhere and says new words everyday! Love those girls!!

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Adeline's Party

Adeline's Party
What a sweet face