You are invited to journey with us as Adeline and Evie grow.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Fall fun!

I can't believe it's already mid October. Fall is here, the weather is beautiful and lots of fun at the Thomas house. We have traveled to Knoxville for some UT football games, gone to the pumpkin patch, the Nashville Zoo, the outdoor mall, the park, birthday parties and had a few play dates. Adeline LOVES to "GO". She doesn't care where, she just wants to be out with people. Evie is still as sweet as pie! Our little bear has found her feet. She holds on to them and rocks from side to side when we put her on her back. We go to the doctor next month for her 6 month check-up. I'm not sure how much she weighs, but she looks bigger and longer everyday! She is catching up FAST to her tiny big sis!

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Adeline's Party

Adeline's Party
What a sweet face