You are invited to journey with us as Adeline and Evie grow.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Singing with daddy

Adeline has always loved music and dancing, but she is now singing along to her favorites. She likes it when daddy sings with her and of course she is in charge of what he sings and when! She is such a big girl these days...our little toddler. Adeline will be going back to her school in 2 weeks. She asks about her friends all the time. I know she will be happy to see them. We can't believe she will be 2 in August!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Addeline & Daddy have quite a vast selection of songs! SOOO sweet! I watched several times, almost like being there, Thanks honey!
Kisses from Nanny (aka Momrah)

Adeline's Party

Adeline's Party
What a sweet face