You are invited to journey with us as Adeline and Evie grow.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Update on dr visits

Since our last post, Adeline has been to the cardiologist, had a CT scan and been to the Orthotist. Her cardiology report was better than we expected. Her cardiologist was VERY please with her progress. He decided to start decreasing her meds slowly to see how she reacts. So far she has done fine with the new dosage. In a week and a half we will decrease her meds again, so be thinking of us!
Adeline's CT scan showed normal brain growth/development with all sutures still open (which is what we expected) a normal 4 month old baby brain! We were then referred to the dr who will fit her for the helmet to fit her flat spot. That dr sent us to the company in Nashville who actually makes the helmet. Adeline was casted/molded for her helmet yesterday by the orthotist. She did great during the casting process and only started to cry at the end. She will receive her helmet on Feb 4th. She will wear it 23 hours a day for about 4 months. Oh and for all of you who know me and pink...well we got a pink helmet for miss priss!
Adeline turned 5 months old yesterday. She is getting bigger by the day. She loves to play with her toys now and reach for things...mommy's hair, toys, whatever is in her reach!
Adeline will be baptized on Sunday Feb 3rd, so we will post more at that time.

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Adeline's Party

Adeline's Party
What a sweet face